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Managing Files from Google Drive and Dropbox

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    Bookize Team

Exciting News: Bookize Now Supports Cloud Ebook Files!

You can now read or convert your ebook files directly from Google Drive or Dropbox with Bookize.

When you choose a file for conversion, we transfer it straight from your cloud provider, making the process much faster.

It’s not just about speed; it’s also about convenience. Transferring a file from a cloud provider can be 10-20 times faster than uploading the file from your computer. No more downloading files to your computer just to upload them again.

Simply select the Google drive or Dropbox on our conversion or reader tool to get started.

Once you select your files, we’ll transfer them quickly from your cloud provider and get to work.

Plus, we’re working on a feature to save your converted files back to the cloud – stay tuned for updates!

Happy Cloud Managing!