EPUB - Electronic Publication

What is a EPUB file

An EPUB file is a popular e-book format established by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). It uses XML and HTML to adapt to different screen sizes, making it perfect for e-readers. EPUB files can have reflowable content for flexible viewing or fixed layouts for specific formats. They support images and digital rights management (DRM).

However, EPUB files have some limitations, including difficulty with exact formatting, limited equation support, and no annotation capabilities. They work like ZIP files, bundling text and resources together.

EPUB is compatible with most e-readers, such as Nook, Kobo, and PocketBook, but not Kindle.

Here's a small, but not exhaustive list of programs that can open EPUB documents:

  • Bookize Reader
  • Mobipocket Reader Desktop
  • Adobe Digital Editions
  • Sony Reader
  • Apple Books


Useful link:Read more information about EPUB